viernes, 22 de octubre de 2010

Brain and Learning

Today I’m going to speak about the text “Understanding the Brain: The Birth of a Learning Science” chapter 6 “Dispelling Neuromyths”.
In this text mentions that:
“Some physiological phenomena that take place during brain development can, indeed, leads to beliefs that the critical learning stages occur between birth and age three. There is then a steady decline until age 10”, also says that in the early years of a child is when he is most capable of learning
These affirmations are very impressive for me and very important for my career, I think that is completely real this phrases, because a child is capable of learning in very little time big thinks, when a child start to speak (between 1 – 2 years) is capable to learning many languages and faster that a adult, in this case is show the capacity to learning of a child.
I’m completely agree with this texts, also says “That very young child must be constantly stimulated in their first two to three years in order to strengthen their learning capacities for subsequent life” and this two affirmations be supplemented, because the child have physiologically the capacities for learning but for development this capacities is necessary an adequate stimulation, for example, gymnastics for newborns and stimulating music in tape recorded and CD players attached above the baby’s bed, this element an increase in the connections between neurons (synapses) and support skill development and learning capacity.
This was the idea most important for me, because in this moment (childhood) is when started all, is very important a correct stimulation for the correct development.
That all, regards

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